domingo, 18 de novembro de 2018

Ljubljana painted by Littlelle

Liubliana é a capital da Eslovénia, país que fazia parte da antiga Jugoslávia e que se tornou independente apenas em 1991. A cidade encontra-se rodeada pelos Alpes Julianos e por uma imensa floresta, que trazem uma brisa fresca à mesma. Esta é atravessada pelo Rio Liublianica, ao redor do qual se encontram edifícios emblemáticos que espelham o cruzamento da cultura românica, germana e eslava. A cidade tem um toque medieval, com castelo no topo e alguns edifícios barrocos e em estilo secessão.

Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia, which was part of former Yugoslavia and became independent only in 1991. The city is surrounded by the Julian Alps and a huge forest, that brings a fresh breeze into the city. The city is crossed by the Liublianica River, around which exist emblematic buildings that mirror the crossroads of the Romance, Germanic and Slavic culture. The town has a medieval touch, with a castle on top and some buildings in baroque and secession style.

Homemade Yogurt dumplings with mango (photo by Littlelle)
Ljubljana (photo by Littlelle)
Ljubljana Castle (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Liublianica River (photo by Littlelle)
City side by side with the Liublianica River (photo by Littlelle)
Street details (photo by Littlelle)
Appreciating the architecture of the city (photo by Littlelle)
Appreciating the architecture of the city (photo by Littlelle)
Appreciating the architecture of the city (photo by Littlelle)
Streets plenty of a mixture of architecture (photo by Littlelle)
Building in Secession style (photo by Littlelle)
O mais famoso “habitante” de Liubliana é o Dragão, sendo considerado o símbolo da cidade, que demonstra a coragem da sua população. Este faz parte do brasão da cidade. Entre as inúmeras estátuas e monumentos onde podes encontrar esta simbólica mascote, destaco a Ponte do Dragão (Zmajski Most), em estilo secessão. Esta apresenta 4 dragões e conta a lenda que durante a madrugada o Dragão balança a cauda quando passa uma virgem no seu caminho.

The most famous "inhabitant" of Ljubljana is the Dragon, being considered the symbol of the city, which shows the courage of its population. It’s part of the city's coat of arms. Among the numerous statues and monuments where you can find this symbolic mascot, I highlight the Dragon Bridge (Zmajski Most), in the secession style. This one presents 4 dragons and tells the legend that during the dawn the Dragon shakes the tail when a virgin passes by.

Ljubljana Dragon (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
One of the Dragons of Zmajski Most (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Zmajski Most (photo by Littlelle)
No topo de uma das pitorescas colinas que compõem Liubliana - a colina Grajski Gric - encontra-se o Castelo de onde é possível ter uma bonita vista sobre a cidade com os Alpes Julianos ao fundo. Para subir ao castelo podes ir a pé ou de funicular.  Lá podes percorrer as muralhas, subir à torre e ver algumas exposições. O castelo tem uma pequena capela gótica dedicada a São Jorge, santo conhecido entre outras histórias pela lenda da morte de um dragão. Será coincidência existir uma capela dedicada a ele em Liubliana?

On top of one of the picturesque hills that make up Ljubljana - the Grajski Gric hill - lies the Castle from which has a beautiful view over the city with the Julian Alps in the background. To reach the castle you can go by foot or funicular. There you can walk through the walls, climb the tower and see some exhibitions. The castle has a small Gothic chapel dedicated to St. George, a saint known among other stories for the legend of killing a dragon. Is it a coincidence? Having a chapel dedicated to him in Ljubljana?
Ljubljana Castle (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Funicular to the Ljubljana Castle (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Ljubljana Castle (photo by Littlelle)
Ljubljana seen from the Castle (photo by Littlelle)
St. George Chapel (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
A cidade é atravessada pelo rio, havendo inúmeras pontes que cruzam as margens e vários restaurantes e bares em ambos os lados do mesmo. É uma zona bastante popular entre residentes e turistas. Existem passeios de barco pelo rio, contudo, na minha opinião o passeio não vale a pena, pois não se consegue ter grande panorâmica. Penso que um passeio a pé pelas ruas e praças da cidade é bem mais apelativo.

The city is crossed by the river, having numerous bridges that links the banks and several restaurants and bars on both sides of it. It’s a very popular area among residents and tourists. There are boat trips on the river, however, in my opinion the tour is not worth it, because you cannot have a great panoramic view. I think walking on the streets and squares of the city is much more appealing.

Boat trip at Liublianica River (photo by Mários Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Liublianica River (photo by Littlelle)
The view from the boat (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
The city seen from the boat (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Walking around (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
No teu percurso pedestre podes começar pela Ponte Tromostovlje, uma tripla ponte que vai dar à Praça Preseren. Seguindo vais encontrar por exemplo a Fonte de Hércules na praça Stari Trg ou a Fonte barroca Robbov Vodnjak de Robba na praça Mestni Trg. Outro local a passar é a Ponte dos sapateiros (Postolarski Most). O Mercado de Plecnik na praça Pogacarjev fica no coração da cidade, junto a uma das múltiplas igrejas que a mesma dispõe, sendo a religião predominante o cristianismo.

In your pedestrian route you can start with the Tromostovlje, a triple bridge that goes to the Preseren square. Continuing the path you will find, for example, the Fountain of Hercules in Stari Trg Square or the Baroque Fountain Robbov Vodnjak of Robba in the square Mestni Trg. Another place to pass is Postolarski Most, known as the Shoemakers bridge. The Plecnik Market in Pogacarjev Square is in the heart of the city, next to one of the many churches that it has, being Christianity the predominant religion.

Tromostovlje (photo by Littlelle)
Preseren Square (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Robbov Vodnjak (photo by Littlelle)
Pedestrian street (photo by Littlelle)
Postolarski Most (photo by Littlelle)
Ljubljana Cathedral (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Plecnik Market (photo by Littlelle)
Plecnik Market (photo by Littlelle)
Local fruit at Plecnik Market (photo by Littlelle)
Eu passei apenas um dia neste capital europeia. Fui de comboio a partir de Zagreb. Num dia consegues fazer uma visita panorâmica pela cidade e relaxar num dos restaurantes junto ao rio, onde o fluxo de Liubliana ocorre.

I spent only one day in this European capital. I went by train from Zagreb. In one day you can take a panoramic tour of the city and relax in one of the riverside restaurants, where the Ljubljana flow takes place.

Ljubljana train station (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Panoramic view of Ljubljana (photo by Littlelle)
Walking by the river (photo by Littlelle)
Restaurants by the river (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Traditional food (photo by Littlelle)

Informações úteis | Useful information:

- Fuso horário/ Timezone: UTC/GMT +1 hora, dependendo da altura do ano/ 1 hour, depending on the time of the year
- Moeda/Currency: Euro (Eur)
- Língua oficial/Official language: Esloveno/ Slovenian
- Indicativo local/ Local call sign: +386
- Emergências/ Emergencies number: 112
- Polícia/Police: 113
A post card from Ljubljana (photo by Littlelle)

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