sábado, 26 de novembro de 2016

Ny painted by Littlelle | Day 3 - Art and shopping

Comecei o dia com uma caminhada pela 5ªAv. até chegar ao MOMA, Museu de Arte Moderna (10h30 - 17h30, à 5ª feira aberto até às 20h | http://www.moma.org/), um dos mais populares de Nova Iorque (NY).  Este museu alberga uma rica coleção de arte, com cerca de 150 000 obras entre elas masterpieces como a Persistência da Memória de Salvador Dali, Les demoiselles d'Avignon de Picasso, A noite estrelada de Van Gogh, as Latas de Sopa Campbell de Andy Warhol ou um autorretrato de Frida Kahlo, uma loucura para amantes de arte moderna.

I started the day with a walk through the 5th Avenue until reaching MOMA, Museum of Modern Art (10.30am – 5.30pm, it is opened till 8pm on Thursdays – https://www.moma.org/), one of the most popular museums in New York (NY). This museum has a rich art collection, it has about 150.000 artworks and among them, we can find masterpieces such as The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali, Les Demoiselles d´Avignon by Picasso, The Starry Night by Van Gogh, Campbell´s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol or a Frida Kahlo´s self-portrait, a madness for modern art lovers. 

MOMA (photo by Littlelle)

The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali (1931) (photo by Littlelle)

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon by Pablo Picasso (1907) (photo by Littlelle)
The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh (1889) (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Campbell's Soup Cans by Andy Warhol (1962) (photo by Littlelle)

Fulang-Chang and I by Frida Kahlo (1937) (photo by Littlelle)
Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth (1948) (photo by Littlelle)
Eu tive o prazer de ver uma exposição temporária de um dos meus pintores preferidos, Edgar Degas, intitulada A Strange New Beauty, que para além das famosas bailarinas, apresenta várias obras onde Degas captura o espírito da vida urbana.

I had the pleasure to see a temporary exhibition of one of my favorite painters, Edgar Degas, entitled A Strange New Beauty, which besides the famous ballet dancers, presents several works where Degas captures the spirit of urban life.

At the temporary exhibition - Edgar Degas: A Strage New Beauty (foto by Littlelle)

At the temporary exhibition - Edgar Degas: A Strage New Beauty (foto by Littlelle)

Este museu possui também um outro espaço – Moma Ps1 (http://momaps1.org/) localizado noutra parte da cidade numa escola pública de Long Island, dedicando-se exclusivamente à arte contemporânea e aos novos artistas. Este ficará para conhecer noutra ocasião.

This museum has also another place – MOMA Ps1 (http://www.momaps1.org/), located in another part of the city, in a public school in Long Island, dedicating itself exclusively to contemporary art and new artists. This one will get to know next time.

Sculpture at MOMA (photo by Littlelle)

Após o almoço no museu, vim até à estátua Love (55st com a 6ªAv). De seguida regressei à 5ª Av. para um passeio pelas lojas de grandes criadores localizadas em bonitos edifícios. As lojas de alta costura e joalharia de todo o mundo têm morada nesta famosa avenida de compras. Os olhos também comem, no entanto, se isso não te chegar é possível encontrares lojas com preços mais apetecíveis como a TopShop, Urban Outfitters, COS, Zara, & Other Stories, entre outras.

After lunch at the museum, I went to the Love statue (55st with 6th Avenue). Then I returned to 5th Av. to a walk through haute couture shops at beautiful buildings. Haute couture and jewelry shops from all over the world have address at this famous fashion avenue. The eyes also eat, however, if this is not enough for you, it is possible to find shops with more appealing prices like TopShop, Urban Outfitters, COS, Zara & Other Stories, among others. 

Love (photo by Littlelle)
Tiffany & Co at Fifth Avenue (photo by Littlelle)
Fifth Avenue (photo by Littlelle)

Sephora at Fifth Avenue (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Existem também grandes armazéns como a Saks Fifth Avenue, uma loja departamental bastante antiga, bonita para passear, mas sem olhar para os preços. Ao lado fica a Catedral de St. Patrick (6h30 - 20h45) decorada em estilo Neo-gótico, uma das maiores catedrais católicas dos Estados Unidos.

There are also huge warehouses such as Saks Fifth Avenue, a very old departmental shop, quite beautiful to walk around but without looking at the prices. Next to it, you can find the St. Patrick´s Cathedral (6.30am – 8.45pm), decorated in Neo-Gothic style, one of the biggest catholic cathedrals in United States.

Fifth Avenue (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)

Saks Fifth Avenue (photo by Littlelle)

St. Patrick's Cathedral (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
De tarde fui visitar um outro museu, o Guggenheim Museum (10h – 17h45, encerrado à 5ª feira, Nycity pass; https://www.guggenheim.org), masterpiece arquitectónica de Frank Lloyd Wright que apresenta a forma de uma espiral, localiza-se ao lado do Central Park. Efetivamente apreciei sobretudo a arquitectura, talvez a principal obra-prima do museu, já a coleção de arte moderna e contemporânea em si, ficou abaixo das minhas expectativas. A melhor forma de aproveitar este museu e contemplar a sua arquitectura é subir de elevador até ao topo e ir descendo a rampa a pé onde são exibidas algumas obras de artistas do século XIX ao XXI.  Numa próxima vez não regressaria.

On the afternoon, I visited another museum, the Guggenheim Museum (10 m – 5.45pm, closed on Thursdays, Nycity pass, https://www.guggenheim.org/), an architectural masterpiece by Frank Lloyd Wright, that presents a spiral shape, and it is located next to the Central Park. I especially appreciated the architecture, maybe its main masterpiece, however the modern art and contemporary collection was bellow my expectations. The best way to enjoy this museum and contemplate its architecture is go to the top of the museum by elevator and then go down by the ramp, where are displayed some works from 19th century to 21st century artists. Next time I would not return to this one.

Facade of the Guggenheim Museum (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)

Guggenheim Museum (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)

Guggenheim Museum (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Próximo deste museu fica a Neue Gallerie (http://www.neuegalerie.org/), museu dedicado à arte alemã e austríaca do início do século XX. Expõe entre outras, obras de Gustav Klimt ou Otto Dix, com representações expressionista e da Bauhaus. Fiquei com pena, mas não tive oportunidade de visitar, ficará também para uma próxima ida a NY. Se estiver bom tempo e não estiveres muito cansado, terminar a tarde num passeio pelo Central Park poderá ser uma boa opção, para relaxar em contacto com a natureza e sua interação com os edifícios envolventes.

Next to this museum there is the Neue Gallerie (http://www.neuegalerie.org/), a museum dedicated to German and Austrian art from the beginning of 20th century. It displays, among other works, Gustav Klimt or Otto Dix works, with Expressionism and Bauhaus representations. I felt sorry but I did not have the opportunity to visit it, it will also be for a next trip to NY. If it is good weather and the fatigue is not too much, ending the afternoon with a walk through the Central Park, would be a good choice, to relax in touch with nature and its interaction with the surrounding buildings.

Central Park (photo by Littlelle)
À noite fui ver o recinto envolvente do Rockefeller Center, complexo de edifícios de estilo Art Decó localizado na 5ª AV., onde existe o conhecido ringue de patinagem dos filmes, rodeado por bandeiras de todo o mundo. Esta zona apresenta algumas lojas, um jardim, exposições de arte e o famoso Radio City Hall. Na altura que fui deparei-me com uma instalação artística alusiva à orelha de Van Gogh.

At night I went to see the surrounding area of the Rockefeller Center, an Art Deco building complex located at the 5th AV., where it is located the well-known skating rink from the movies, surrounded by flags from all over the world. This zone has some shops, a garden, art exhibitions and the famous Radio City Hall. At the time I went I came across with an artistic installation allusive to Van Gogh's ear.

Rockefeller Center (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)

Rockefeller Center (photo by Littlelle)
Ice skating rink at Rockefeller Center (photo by Littlelle)
Radio City Hall (photo by Littlelle)

Van Gogh's ear artwork at Rockefeller Center (photo by Littlelle)

Such a surprise! 

Para conheceres o roteiro de 6 dias vê a publicação New York painted by Littlelle

To know the 6 days guide, see New York painted by Littlelle post.

sábado, 19 de novembro de 2016

Abu Dhabi painted by Littlelle

Abu Dhabi é a capital dos Emirados Árabes Unidos, país composto por 7 estados árabes do qual faz parte também o Dubai. Abu Dhabi é uma metrópole moderna, que oferece aos visitantes alguns sítios culturais e históricos e edifícios exuberantes, tudo envolto em luxo!

Abu Dhabi is the capital of United Arab Emirates, a country composed by 7 Arab states which Dubai belongs to. Abu Dhabi is a modern metropole, providing visitants with some cultural and historical places and lush buildings, all wrapped in luxury.

Buildings in Abu Dhabi (photo by Littlelle)

Abu Dhabi city (photo by Littlelle)
Buildings in Adu Dhabi (photo by Littlelle)
No caminho pela cidade não vimos casas, mas palácios! Um dos grandes exemplares é o Emirates Palace que é considerado por muitos um Hotel de 7 estrelas, onde servem até café com raspas de ouro. Extravagâncias do mundo árabe!

In the city we did not see houses but palaces instead! One great example is the Emirates Palace which is considered a 7 stars hotel by many people, where they even serve coffee with golden shavings. Extravagances from the Arabic world!

Emirates Palace (photo by Littlelle)

Emirates Palace entrance (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Aproveitando o facto de estar no Dubai, que fica a cerca de 160 km de distância de Abu Dhabi, desloquei-me a esta cidade exclusivamente para conhecer a Grande Mesquita Branca - a Mesquita Sheikh Zayed . Foi inaugurada em 2007 em homenagem a Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, o fundador dos Emirados e que aí se encontra sepultado. É a maior mesquita dos Emirados Árabes Unidos e a 8ª maior do mundo, com capacidade para 41 000 pessoas. Apresenta 82 cúpulas, 8 minaretes e 1000 colunas em mármore branco com alguns detalhes em ouro, que refletem nos espelhos de água em seu redor.

Taking advantage of the fact of being in Dubai, that is around 160km away from Abu Dhabi, I went to this city exclusively to know The Big White Mosque - Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. It was inaugurated in 2007 in honor of Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the founder of Emirates and who is buried there. It is the largest mosque of the United Arab Emirates and the 8th largest in the world, with capacity for 41,000 people. It features 82 domes, 8 minarets and 1000 columns in white marble with some gold details, which reflect in the water mirrors around it.

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque (photo by Littlelle)

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque (photo by Littlelle)

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque (photo by Littlelle)

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque (photo by Littlelle)
Assim, para além de grandiosa em tamanho, é também grandiosamente bela, tanto no seu exterior como no interior. Nesta obra arquitectónica todos os detalhes contam, no chão encontram-se desenhadas flores em mármore, já no interior o chão é coberto pelo maior tapete do mundo, com 5,627 m2 e 47 toneladas, tendo sido fabricado por mais de 1200 artesãs.

Thus, besides being great in size, it is also great in beauty, both on the inside and outside. In this architectural work all the details count, in the floor are drawn flowers with marble, in the interior the ground is covered by the biggest carpet of the world, with 5,627 m2 and 47 tons, having been manufactured by more than 1200 artisans.

Mosque's wall (photo by Littlelle)

Ground on the outside (photo by Littlelle)

Ground details (photo by Littlelle)

The biggest carpet of the world in the interior of the Mosque (photo by Littlelle)

A iluminar a mesquita existem vários candeeiros com cristais e um dos lustres é também um dos maiores do mundo com 12 toneladas.

To illuminate the mosque there are several lamps with crystals and one of the chandeliers is also one of the largest in the world with 12 tons.

The largest chandelier in the world (photo by Littlelle)

Another chandelier inside the Mosque (photo by Littlelle)

A entrada é gratuita e para visitar é preciso estar coberto da cabeça aos pés, quer seja homem ou mulher, o que não é nada fácil tendo em conta as altas temperaturas que se fazem sentir, mas vale a pena o “sacrifício”. Encontra-se diariamente aberta a visitantes das 9h00 às 22h00 (última entrada às 21h30) de sábado a quinta-feira e das 16h30 às 22h00 nas sextas-feiras. 

It is free entrance and to visit it, you must be covered from the top of the head to the feet, whether male or female, which is not easy at all concerning the high temperature that is felt over there, but it is worth the "sacrifice". It is daily open to the visitors from 9am to 10pm (last entry at 9.30 pm) from Saturday to Thursday and from 4.30 pm to 10pm on Fridays.

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque (photo by Littlelle)
Visitei também a Heritage Village que recria a cultura e tradições de uma vila num oásis, localizada ao lado de uma praia com construção típica, nomeadamente, um mercado com produtos regionais e um pequeno museu sobre a vida do povo beduíno (aberto de sábado a 5ª feira das 9h às 17h e à 6ªfeira das 15h30 às 19h).

I also visited the Heritage Village which recreates the culture and traditions of a village in an oasis, located next to a beach, with a typical construction, namely a market with regional products and a small museum about the life of the Bedouin people (open from Saturday to Thursday from 9am to 5pm, and Friday from 3.30pm to 9pm). 

Heritage Village (photo by Littlelle)

Inside the Heritage Village (photo by Littlelle)

Little tradicional market at Heritage Village (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Museum about the life of the Bedouin people (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)

The beach near the Heritage Village (photo by Littlelle)

A praia parece realmente muito tentadora, mas quando chegas perto do mar percebes que está cheio de alforrecas! Cuidado!
Almocei aqui num restaurante com comida típica e regressei ao Dubai. Foi uma manhã bem passada na tórrida cidade de Abu Dhabi.

The beach seems really tempting, but when you get close to the sea you realize that it's full of jellyfish! Careful!
I had lunch here at a restaurant with typical food and came back to Dubai. It was a pleasant morning in the torrid city of Abu Dhabi.

A beach in Abu Dhabi (photo by Littlelle)
A beach in Abu Dhabi (photo by Littllelle)

Such an arabian torrid day!