O Jardim Chinês e o Jardim Japonês, separados pela ponte Double Beauty, proporcionam duas paisagens únicas junto ao Lago Jurong. É uma ótima opção para procurar serenidade e tranquilidade fora da cidade. Estes jardins ficam um pouco afastados do centro, contudo tens metro que te leva mesmo até à entrada.
The Chinese Garden and Japanese Garden,
separated by the Double Beauty Bridge, provide two unique landscapes along
Jurong Lake. It’s a great option to seek serenity and tranquillity out of the
city. These gardens are a little far from the center, however you have metro
that takes you right up to the entrance.
O Jardim Chinês apresenta uma
área de 13,5 ha onde encontras paisagem e arquitetura típica da China imperial,
como pagodes, pavilhões chineses, estátuas de heróis chineses, casa de chá,
Jardim da Abundância com estátuas dos 12 animais do Zodíaco chinês e até mesmo
um Museu da Tartaruga (5 SGD). Eu gostei particularmente do Jardim de Bonsais,
espaço dedicado à coleção de Bonsai em estilo Suzhou. Tão tranquilo!
The seven storey Cloud Piercing Pagoda (photo by Littlelle) |
Double Beauty bridge (photo by Littlelle) |
Bonsai garden (photo by Littlelle) |
Jurong lake (photo by Littlelle) |
Japonese Garden (photo by Littlelle) |
The Chinese Garden has an area of 13.5 ha,
where you will find landscape and architecture typical of imperial China, such
as Pagodas (The Pagodas Twins and the seven storey Cloud Piercing Pagoda),
Chinese pavilions, statues of Chinese heroes, Tea House, Garden of Abundance
with statues of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac and even the Live Turtle
& Tortoise Museum Turtle Museum (5 SGD). I particularly enjoyed the Bonsai
Garden, a space dedicated to the Suzhou-style Bonsai collection. So peaceful!
Ao atravessares a ponte,
encontras um jardim tipicamente japonês com lagos com nenúfares e pontes
vermelhas em arco, jardins de pedras, lanternas e pagodes japoneses.
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Map of the Chinese Gardem |
Cloud Piercing Pagoda (photo by Littlelle) |
Twin Pagodas (photo by Littlelle) |
Mulan (photo by Littlelle) |
Bonsai Garden (photo by Littlelle) |
Chinese gardens (photo by Littlelle) |
Garden Courtyard (photo by Littlelle) |
Fishes Paradise (photo by Littlelle) |
Bonsai Garden (photo by Littlelle) |
Bonsai Garden (photo by Littlelle) |
Bonsai Garden (photo by Littlelle) |
Bonsai Garden (photo by Littlelle) |
Bonsai Garden (photo by Littlelle) |
Chinese Garden (photo by Littlelle) |
Stone Boat (photo by Littlelle) |
Tea House Pavilion (photo by Littlelle) |
Garden of Abundance (photo by Littlelle) |
Garden of Abundance (photo by Littlelle) |
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Garden of Abundance (photo by Littlelle) |
As you cross the bridge, you will find a
typically Japanese garden with ponds with water lilies and red arched bridges,
stone gardens, lanterns and Japanese pagodas.
Nestes parques podes conhecer e perceber um pouco da multiculturalidade de Singapura e observar os locais nas suas rotinas e momentos de lazer, vês imensas pessoas a fazer picnics e a desfrutar deste ambiente ao ar livre. Para além disso vais te deparar com a flora e fauna locais. Existem no parque várias espécies de animais, desde
pássaros, a esquilos, tartarugas e lagartos gigantes.
Cross the bridge to the Japonese Garden (photo by Littlelle) |
Japonese Garden (photo by Littlelle) |
Japonese lanterns (photo by Littlelle) |
Japonese Garden (photo by Littlelle) |
Water lilies (photo by Littlelle) |
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Peaceful place (photo by Littlelle) |
In these parks you can learn and understand a little bit about Singapore multiculturalism and observe the locals in their routines and leisure moments, you see lots of people doing picnics and enjoying this outdoor environment. In addition you will come across the local flora and fauna, in these parks you
can observe several species of animals, such as birds, squirrels, turtles or giant lizards.
Metro: Chinese Gardens
Enjoying nature (photo by Littlelle) |
Flowers (photo by Littlelle) |
Lizard (photo by Littlelle) |
Bird (photo by Littlelle) |
Squirrel (photo by Littlelle) |
Horário/Opening hours: 6am - 11pm
Preço/Price: Entrada gratuita/
Free admission
Welcome to the Chinese Garden (photo by Littlelle) |
Sabe mais sobre os jardins e política ambiental de Singapura em https://theworldpaintedbylittlelle.blogspot.pt/2018/04/singapore-city-in-garden.html
Cool right? You can find more about Singapore's gardens and environmental politics on this blog.
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