Durante a quadra natalícia, Paris ganha ainda
mais brilho! São mil e um os motivos pelos quais a capital francesa atrai
milhares de turistas nesta época. Para mim, um deles é sem dúvida espreitar as
montras dos grandes armazéns do Boulevard Haussmann.
During the holiday
season, Paris gets even brighter! There are 1001 reasons for the French capital
to attract thousands of tourists at this time of the year. For me, one of them
is undoubtedly watching the shop windows of the department stores on Boulevard
Eiffel Tower on Christmas time (photo by Littlelle) |
La Galerie Vivienne on Christmas time (photo by Littlelle) |
Parisien art de vivre (photo by Littlelle) |
Christmas in Paris (photo by Littlelle) |
Nesta altura do ano gosto particularmente de
entrar nas Galeries Lafayette, nem que seja só para encher o olho. No magnífico
hall central das galerias, que exibe uma cúpula e escadarias em estilo de art nouveau, durante os meses de
novembro e dezembro é apresentada anualmente uma árvore de natal gigante,
patrocinada por alguma marca exposta nessas galerias. Todos os anos a árvore é
diferente, varia de acordo com a marca ou tema escolhido para a quadra. Do lado
de fora das galerias, normalmente juntam-se imensas pessoas que passam e param
para ver as montras animadas. Mesmo que não queiras fazer compras, vale a pena
passar só para ver e entrar no ambiente “art de vivre” parisiense. As galerias
estão abertas diariamente das 9h30 às 20h30, e aos domingos das 11h às 20h.
In this season, I
especially like entering the Galeries Lafayette, even if it's just to brighten
up my eyes. In the magnificent central hall of the galleries, which displays an
art nouveau dome and staircase, during the months of November and December a
giant Christmas tree is presented every year, sponsored by some brand displayed
in these galleries. Every year the tree is different, varies according to the
brand or theme chosen. Outside the galleries, usually many people pass by and
stop to see the animated shopfronts. Even if you don't want to go shopping,
it's worth going just to see and enter into the Parisian art de vivre. The
galleries are open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., and every Sunday from
11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Galeries Lafayette in 2009 (photo by Littlelle) |
Galeries Lafayette in 2009 (photo by Littlelle) |
Galeries Lafayette in 2012 (photo by Littlelle) |
Galeries Lafayette in 2013 (photo by Littlelle) |
Galeries Lafayette in 2013 (photo by Littlelle) |
Galeries Lafayette in 2013 (photo by Littlelle) |
Galeries Lafayette in 2015 (photo by Littlelle) |
Galeries Lafayette in 2015 (photo by Littlelle) |
Shopfronts (photo by Littlelle) |
Shopfronts (photo by Littlelle) |
As galerias Lafayette foram criadas no ano de
1894, apresentando um novo conceito de “shopping”, que se tornou num sucesso.
Hoje esta companhia cresceu e expandiu-se para várias cidades de França e do
mundo. Por exemplo, podes encontrar uma loja no Dubai Mall, um dos maiores
shoppings do mundo. Em Paris, o edifício principal fica junto à Ópera Garnier e
apresenta 10 andares, mais departamentos em prédios circundantes. É um complexo
comercial onde "Ici, la mode vit plus fort." ("Aqui, a moda vive
mais forte.").
The Lafayette
galleries were created in the year 1894, presenting a new concept of shopping,
which became a success. Today this company has grown and expanded to several
cities in France and the world. For example, you can find a store in Dubai
Mall, one of the largest malls in the world. In Paris, the main building is
next to the Opéra Garnier and features 10 floors plus other departments in
surrounding buildings. It's a commercial complex where "Ici, la mode vit
plus fort." ("Here
fashion lives stronger.").
Galeries Lafayette (photo by Littlelle) |
The view from the terrace of one of the Departments of Galeries Lafayette (photo by Littlelle) |
The view to the Opera Garnier (photo by Littlelle) |
The atmosphere on Christmas (photo by Littlelle) |
Brands (photo by Littlelle) |
Nesta altura do ano, Paris poderá ser apenas
um ponto de passagem para a região mais bonita de França durante o Natal, a
Alsácia. Apanha o TGV e segue até alguns dos mercados de Natal mais bonitos e
encantadores da Europa… não percas a publicação da próxima semana.
At this time of the
year, Paris may be just a crossing point for the most beautiful region of
France during Christmas, Alsace. Take the TGV and head to some of the most
beautiful and charming Christmas markets in Europe ... So, don't miss the post of next week.
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