domingo, 31 de dezembro de 2017

Make Art, not War

Mais um ano, novos desafios, os mesmos problemas na sociedade... Em 2017, assistimos a vários conflitos políticos, raciais, religiosos... Conflitos no Extremo Oriente, perseguições raciais no Myanmar, atentados em vários pontos do globo, ameaças nucleares???  O nível de alerta global ativa o medo nas populações, sendo o mesmo semeado diariamente tanto pelos chamados terroristas, como pelos Media e líderes políticos mundiais, considerando eu, terrorismo a outro nível.

One more year, new challenges, the same problems in society ... In 2017, we witnessed so many political, racial, religious conflicts... Conflicts in the Far East, racial persecution in Myanmar, terrorist attacks in various parts of the world, nuclear threats???? The level of global alert activates fear in populations, being sown daily by both the so-called terrorists, and by the media and world political leaders, which I consider, terrorism at another level.

Child maltreatment (photo by Littlelle, Paris, 2015)
Racial discrimination (photo by Littlelle, Barcelona, 2016)
Domestic violence (photo by Littlelle, Lisbon, 2013)
Danger & Fear (photo by Littlelle, London, 2015)
Media brainwash (photo by Littlelle, Lisbon, 2015)
Contudo, as mensagens positivas de paz são difundidas através de vários canais e meios de expressão, estando entre eles a arte. É neste contexto que alguns artistas urbanos procuram sensibilizar a sociedade para as injustiças, sendo possível encontrarem-se várias mensagens de Peace & Love. E é neste mood que o blog The World painted by Littlelle entra em 2018, com a máxima Make Art Not War!

However, the positive messages of peace are spread through many channels and means of expression, among them art. It’s in this context that some urban artists seek to sensitize society to injustice, being possible to find several messages of Peace & Love. It’s in this mood that the blog The World painted by Littlelle enters in 2018, with the maximum Make Art Not War!

Faire le bien (photo by Littlelle, Paris, 2015)
Freedom (photo by Littlelle, Cascais, 2016)
Love (photo by Littlelle, Hamburg, 2014)
Follow your heart (photo by Littlelle, Lisbon, 2012)
El món neix en cada besada from Juan Fontcuberta, 2014 (photo by Littlelle, Barcelona 2016)
Wake up for love (photo by Littlelle, Lisbon, 2017)
Listen to your heart (photo by Littlelle, Aveiro, 2017)
Fight the dark side (photo by Littlelle, London, 2017)
La stupidité humaine a des limites (photo by Littlelle, Marrakeck, 2014)
Spreading love (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle, New York, 2016)
Blinding love (photo by Littlelle, Rome, 2017)
All you need is (photo by Littlelle, Strasbourg, 2013)
Union & cooperation between nations (photo by Littlelle, Hamburg, 2014)
Peace around the globe (photo by Littlelle, Barcelona, 2016)
Believe in yourself (photo by Littlelle, Dublin, 2014)
Love is everything (photo by Littlelle, Macao, 2016)
Don't look back in anger (photo by Littlelle, Barcelona, 2016)
Live with the difference (photo by Littlelle, Rome, 2017)
Don't leave your dreams behind (photo by Littlelle, Paris, 2013)
Caring therapy (photo by Littlelle, Rome, 2017)
In 2018 the spirit is Make Love Not War (photo by Littlelle, Lisbon, 2015)

“The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer” 
Oliver Wendell Holmes

 Inspire yourself...
Publicity in Singapore (photo by Littlelle, 2017)

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