Cidade pitoresca rodeada pelos Alpes, cujo cartão de visita apresenta as casinhas
coloridas nas margens do Rio Inn, rio esse que dá o nome à cidade. Esta cidade
é um ótimo destino de Inverno, disponibilizando ao seu redor várias atividades lúdico-desportivas
na neve e na montanha. Para quem preferir um passeio mais cultural, como é o
meu caso, esta cidade austríaca típica do Tirol é bastante agradável, com
igrejas, museus e ruas pitorescas.
Picturesque town surrounded by
the Alps, whose presentation card presents the colourful houses on the banks of
the Inn River, the river that gives the name to the city. This city is a great
winter destination, providing many fun and sports activities in the snow and
the mountains. For those who prefer a more cultural tour, like me, this typical
Austrian city of Tyrol is quite pleasant with churches, museums and picturesque
Innsbruck streets (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
Street detail (photo by Littlelle) |
The Spitalkirche (Hospital Church) (photo by Littlelle) |
Cathedral of St. James (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
Landestheater (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
River Inn (photo by Littlelle) |
O centro histórico da cidade reflete 800 anos de história, encontrando-se
entre as principais atrações, o Telhado de Ouro, uma varanda com um telhado em
ouro, construída para assinalar o casamento do Imperador Maximilian, localizada
na Herzog-Friedrich-Straße, cujas fachadas
góticas remetem-te para a Idade Média. Nessa mesma praça encontra-se a Helblinghaus, uma bonita casa cujo design salta à vista devido à mistura de
estilos. Ali perto fica também o Palácio Imperial, construído no ano de 1500
pelo mesmo imperador. A Maria-Theresien-Straße
é uma das ruas principais no coração da cidade, composta por edifícios
coloridos de arquitetura Barroca, onde se situam inúmeros cafés, lojas, igrejas
e monumentos, como a Coluna de St.ª Ana e o Arco do Triunfo.
The city historic center
reflects 800 years of history, among the main attractions, the Golden Roof, a
balcony which has literally a golden roof, was built to mark the wedding of the
Emperor Maximilian, located in Herzog-Friedrich-Straße,
whose Gothic façades take you to the Middle Ages. Located in this same square
is the Helblinghaus, a beautiful
house whose design gets your attention due to the mixture of styles. Nearby is
also the Imperial Palace, built in the year 1500 by the same emperor. The Maria-Theresien-Straße is one of the
main streets in the heart of the city, made up of colourful buildings of
Baroque architecture, where there are numerous cafes, shops, churches and
monuments, such as the St. Anne's Column, the Chapel of St. George in the
Federal State Parliament building and the Triumphal Arch.
Golden Roof (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
Helblinghaus (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
The Hofburg Imperial Palace (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
Maria Theresien Straße (photo by Littlelle) |
St. Anne's Column (photo by Littlelle) |
Triumphal Arch (photo by Littlelle) |
O centro histórico apresenta várias lojinhas, entre elas a loja/museu Swarovski,
localizada na Herzog-Friedrich-Strasse.
Esta expõe peças de arte feitas com cristais desta famosa marca austríaca,
sendo uma verdadeira atração turística, despertando a curiosidade de quem passa.
The historic center displays several shops, including the Swarovski Museum/Shop, located on Herzog-Friedrich-Strasse. This exhibits pieces of art made with crystals of this famous Austrian brand, being a true tourist attraction, arousing the curiosity of who passes by.
Herzog Friedrich strasse (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
Swarovski shop (photo by Littlelle) |
Swarovski shop (photo by Littlelle) |
Swarovski shop (photo by Littlelle) |
Jean Paul Gaultier for Swarovski (photo by Littlelle) |
Nessa rua podes subir os 133 degraus da Torre da Cidade, situada ao lado da
antiga Câmara Municipal. No topo encontras uma vista de 180º sobre a cidade e
ao olhar em teu redor, percebes que estás no coração dos Alpes! Vale a pena o
In this street you
can climb the 133 steps of the City Tower, located next to the old Town Hall.
At the top you will find a 180º view of the city and looking around you, you will
realize that you are in the heart of the Alps! It's worth the effort!
City tower (photo by Littlelle) |
View from the top of the City tower (photo by Littlelle) |
Just look around (photo by Littlelle) |
View from the top of the City tower (photo by Littlelle) |
Panoramic view from the City tower (photo by Littlelle) |
Eu passei apenas um dia na cidade, penso que um fim de semana seria
interessante para experienciar a cultura local. Desloquei-me até Innsbruck de
comboio, a estação fica a uma distância a pé de cerca de 15 minutos do centro
da cidade. A viagem de comboio a partir de Munique, durou cerca de 3 horas. Optei
pelo comboio mais lento, pois era bastante mais económico, comparativamente ao
ICE (significativamente mais caros). Foi dinheiro ganho e não considerei
minimamente tempo perdido, pois o comboio cruza os Alpes, passando pela
conhecida estância turística de Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
Cada minuto da viagem valeu a pena, a paisagem é lindíssima, sendo que durante
o Inverno encontras os Alpes pintados de branco!
I spent only one day in this
city, I think a weekend would be interesting to experience the local culture. I
travelled to Innsbruck by train, the main station is within a walking distance
of about 15 minutes from the city center. The train journey from Munich lasted
about 3 hours. I opted for the slower train, since it was much
cheaper, compared to ICE (significantly more expensive). It was earned money and I didn’t
consider it wasted time, because the train crosses the Alps, passing by the
well-known tourist resort of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Every minute of the trip
was worth it, the scenery is beautiful, and during the winter you will find the
Alps painted in white!
Crossing the Alps (photo by Littlelle) |
On the train (photo by Littlelle) |
Alps painted in white (photo by Littlelle) |
The colors of Innsbruck (photo by Littlelle) |
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