Costuma-se dizer que as crianças
são o melhor do mundo. Mas segundo esse entendimento, porque é que assistimos
ainda a uma grande desproteção da infância? Os números assustam: (1) Existem cerca
de 168 milhões de crianças a trabalhar no mundo, sendo que em muitos países da
América Latina e de África, o trabalho infantil é aceitável a nível social e
cultural. (2) Destas crianças, cerca de um terço não vão à escola,
verificando-se por exemplo, que muitos países africanos apresentam sistemas de
educação precários. (3) Uma em cada três vítimas registadas de tráfico humano é
uma criança, sendo que o sexo feminino é especialmente alvo de práticas de
“escravatura moderna”. Em África e no Oriente Médio, as crianças e adolescentes
representam a maioria das vítimas de tráfico de seres humanos, e em países como
Índia, Egito, Angola ou Peru podem alcançar 60% do total de casos. (4) Mais de
metade dos refugiados no mundo são crianças, sendo que 300 mil crianças
refugiadas e migrantes deslocaram-se sozinhas. (5) De acordo com a UNICEF há
150 milhões de crianças sem-abrigo em todo o mundo.
We often hear that children are the best in the
world. But if we agree with this, why there’s still such a great lack of
protection of rights in childhood? The numbers are scary: (1) There are about
168 million children working in the world, especially in many countries of Latin
America and Africa, where child labour is socially and culturally acceptable.
(2) Of these children, about one third don’t go to school, and we know that many
African countries have precarious education systems. (3) One in three
registered victims of human traffic is a child, and the female sex is
especially the target of "modern-day slavery". In Africa and in the
Middle East, children and adolescents account for the majority of traffic
victims, and in countries such as India, Egypt, Angola, or Peru, they can reach
60% of all cases. (4) More than half of the world's refugees are children, with
300,000 refugee and migrant children traveling alone. (5) According to UNICEF
there are 150 million homeless children around the world.
Polish girl (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo)
Walking around Pushkar in India (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo)
Indian girl in Fatehpur Sikri (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo)
Na vida de cada uma destas
crianças, quer seja vítima de exploração de trabalho infantil, escravatura,
tráfico, refugiada ou sem-abrigo, o que terá cada uma delas de fazer para se
adaptar a esse contexto adverso e sobreviver? É esta a sociedade queremos hoje? E amanhã?
In each of these children’s lives, whether they
are victims of exploitation, slavery, traffic, refugee or homeless, what each
one will have to do, in order to adapt to this adverse context and survive? Is
this the society we want today? And tomorrow?
Sold (2016) directed by Jeffrey B. Brown
First they killed my father (2017) directed by Angelina Jolie
Reconhecendo que as crianças,
devido à sua vulnerabilidade, necessitam de uma proteção e atenção especial, as
Nações Unidas (1989) aprovaram a Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança (disponível
que enuncia os direitos fundamentais das crianças e adolescentes de todo o
mundo, ao nível civil, político, económico, social e cultural, visando a sua proteção
e promoção. Esta convenção foi ratificada por 195 países, sendo o tratado de
direitos humanos internacionais amplamente mais ratificado na história. De fora
ficaram os Estados Unidos, um dos poucos países que não ratificou a Convenção!
Recognizing that, due to their vulnerability, children
need special protection and attention, the United Nations (1989) has adopted
the Convention on the Rights of the Child (available at,
which sets out the fundamental rights of children and adolescents throughout
the world at civil, political, economic, social and cultural levels, aiming their
protection and promotion. This convention was ratified by 195 countries, being
the most widely ratified international human rights treaty in history. The
United States is one of the few countries that didn’t ratify the Convention!
Smiling face (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo)
Portugal in India (photo by Mário Santos, edited by HRebelo)
Neste dia da Criança, convido-vos
a refletir no contributo que cada um de vós pode dar. Da minha parte, é como
muito orgulho que posso afirmar que trabalhei durante 5 anos no sistema de
proteção e promoção de crianças e jovens em Portugal. O sistema não é perfeito,
há muito para aprender e fazer, mas os pequenos ganhos alcançados junto de cada
criança são conquistas que podem efetivamente ter um impacto significativo no
seu projeto de vida.
On this Children’s Day, I invite each one of
you to think about on the contribution that you can give. Regarding my part, I’m
very proud to say that that I worked for 5 years in the Children Protection System
in Portugal. The system isn’t perfect, there is still much to learn and do, but
the small gains achieved within each child life are achievements that can
effectively have a significant impact on their life project.
Holiday Camp with "my" teenage girls (photo by Littlelle)
Esta experiência, juntamente com
as vivências realizadas nas viagens que tenho vindo a fazer, permitiu-me
confrontar e refletir sobre os vários modelos educativos e aplicação dos
direitos da criança em diferentes sociedades. Não defendo qual o melhor ou pior,
pois penso que é bom ter a mente aberta, para podermos reter e aprender uns com
os outros, sabendo nós que o que funciona num país ou comunidade, poderá não
funcionar noutro. Acima de tudo, penso ser importante respeitar as questões
culturais, parecendo-me, no entanto necessária uma intervenção concertada para a
adaptação de especificidades que possam violar os direitos das crianças. Cumprimento
por isso, todas as pessoas e organizações que trabalham diariamente neste
This experience, coupled with the experiences I
get from the trips I have been doing, allowed me to confront and reflect on the
several educational models and the application of children's rights in each different
society. I don’t advocate which one is better or worse, because I think it's
good to be open-minded, so that we can retain and learn from each other,
knowing that what works in one country or community may not work in another.
Above all, I believe that it’s important to respect cultural issues, but it
seems to me that concerted intervention is necessary to adapt specificities
that may violate the rights of children. My warm greetings go to all people and
organizations that work daily in this regard.
Bonding (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo)
Caring (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo)
Protecting (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo)
Learning (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo)
Praying (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo)
Universalmente, penso que a
receita para o desenvolvimento saudável de cada criança passa pelo direito e
acesso à educação e cuidados de saúde gratuitos, direito a ser ouvida e
protegida de acordo com o seu superior interesse, e acima de tudo o
reconhecimento de que para o desenvolvimento harmonioso da sua personalidade, a
criança deve crescer num ambiente familiar, em clima de compreensão, atenção e muito,
muito, muito amor! Pois no
fundo ninguém quer ser invisível <3
Universally, I believe that the formula for the
healthy development of each child passes through the right and the access to
free education and health care, the right to be heard and protected in
accordance with his or her best interest, and above all, the recognition that
for the harmonious development of their personality, the child should grow up
in a family environment, in a climate of understanding, attention and much,
much, much love! Because deep down inside, no one wants to feel invisible <3
Right of education (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo)
Right to be heard (photo by Littlelle)
Right to choose (photo by HRebelo)
Right to participate in the decisions about their future (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo)
Right to be loved and have a family (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo)
Right to be a child (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo)
Situada a pouco mais de 20 km a norte de Amesterdão, perto da cidade
de Zaadam, Zaanse Schans é uma vila
rural típica com moinhos junto ao rio, que em tempos teve mais de mil moinhos.
Esta vilazinha reproduz a arquitetura das vilas típicas holandesas dos séculos
XVII e XVIII, sendo uma oportunidade para o visitante de aprender e vivenciar a
história e cultura da região. Zaanse Schans apresenta casinhas verdes em
madeira rodeadas de moinhos e um pequeno dique, sendo considerada um verdadeiro
museu a céu aberto. Paisagem esta que foi fonte de inspiração para quadros de
Van Gogh, Rembrandt ou Monet. Este último viveu mesmo naquela região.
Located just over 20 km north of Amsterdam, near the city of Zaadam,
Zaanse Schans is a typical rural village with mills by the river, which once
had over a thousand windmills. This little village replicates the architecture
of the typical Dutch villages of the 17th and 18th
centuries, providing an opportunity for visitors to learn and experience the
history and culture of the region. Zaanse Schans features green wooden houses
surrounded by windmills and a small dyke, being considered a true open-air
museum. This landscape was the source of inspiration for painters such as Van Gogh, Rembrandt or Monet. The last one lived even in that region.
Windmills (photo by Littlelle)
Zaanse Schans (photo by Littlelle)
Zaanse Schans (photo by Littlelle)
Typical green houses of Zaanse Schans (photo by Littlelle)
Cute little village (photo by Littlelle)
Windmills & flowers (photo by Littlelle)
Through Zaanse Schans (photo by Littlelle)
The countryside (photo by Littlelle)
Atualmente existem na vila 11 moinhos, alguns com mais de 300 anos, mas
que continuam a manufaturar nos dias de hoje, através da energia do vento. Cada
moinho tem um nome e uma finalidade. Um mói especiarias, outro laticínios, nomeadamente
os típicos queijos holandeses, óleos vegetais, entreoutros. Seis dos moinhos têm as suas portas
abertas ao público, sendo possível adquirir produtos ali produzidos, como a
mostrada, por exemplo.
There are currently 11 mills in the village, some of them have more than
300 years old, but still continue to manufacture today, through the energy of
the wind. Each mill has a name and a purpose. One grinds spices, another dairies,
namely the typical Dutch cheese, vegetable oils, among others. Six of the mills
have their doors open to the public, being possible to buy products produced
there, such as mustard, for example.
Windmills (photo by Littlelle)
Windmills (photo by Mários Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Windmills (photo by Mários Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Windmill by the river (photo by Littlelle)
Para além dos moinhos, os mais gulosos podem visitar o museu e fábrica
do chocolate.Existe também um museu que
conta a história local, uma fábrica artesanal de tamancos, a queijaria
Catharina Hoeve, onde se pode fazer degustação e vários outros pequenos museus
temáticos. A maioria das atrações da vila está abertas das 9 às 17h.
Besides the mills, those who are a sweet tooth can visit the museum and
chocolate factory. There’s also a museum that tells the local history, a
handmade factory of clogs, the Catharina Hoeve cheese shop, where you can do
tasting and several other small themed museums. Most of the attractions of the
village are open from 9am to 5pm.
Zaanse Schans (photo by Littlelle)
Zaanse Schans (photo by Littlelle)
From the inside (photo by Littlelle)
Se quiseres ter uma perspetiva diferente para a vila e campos
envolventes com os moinhos, podes realizar um passeio de barco pelo rio Zaan
(45 minunto; 13€ por pessoa). Da outra margem do rio, consegues contemplar a
vila Zanndjik, onde é possível observar as casinhas verdes em madeira com
ancoradouros para os barquinhos. O barco leva-te ainda a passares junto a uma
zona industrial, que em tempos foi forte na construção naval, hoje é composta
grandemente por fábricas de chocolate, onde foi em tempos produzido 1/3 do
chocolate do mundo.
If you want to have a different perspective of the village and
surrounding fields with the windmills, you can take a boat trip along the river
Zaan (45 minutes, 13 € per person). From the other side of the river, you can
contemplate the Zanndjik village, where it’s possible to observe the green
wooden houses with anchorages for the boats. The boat still takes you to an
industrial zone, which was once strong in shipbuilding, today is largely made
up of chocolate factories, where it was once produced 1/3 of the world's
From Zaan perspective (photo by Littlelle)
Zanndjik Village (photo by Littlelle)
Little houses by the Zaan River (photo by Littlelle)
Industrial area (photo by Littlelle)
Industrial area (photo by Littlelle)
Soap factory (photo by Littlelle)
Se quiseres ter uma experiência tipicamente holandesa, podes também
alugar uma bicicleta (5€ durante 1 hora) e pedalar entre os campos junto aos
If you want to have a typical Dutch experience, you can also rent a
bicycle (€ 5 for 1 hour) and cycle between the fields by the windmills.
Riding (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
One of dutch experiences (photo by Littlelle)
Para degustar da gastronomia regional, existe um restaurante e algumas
casas que vendem chocolate quentes. O restaurante chama-se De Hoop Op'd Swart
Walvis. Comi uma sopa de lagostim e uma mousse de chocolate. Come-se bem, mas os
preços são elevados, como é habitual na Holanda.
To taste the regional gastronomy, there is a restaurant and some houses where
you can buy a hot chocolate. The restaurant is called De Hoop Op'd Swart
Walvis. I had a crawfish soup and a chocolate mousse. It’s a good restaurant, the
food is tasty, but prices are high, as is usual in the Netherlands.
Zaanse Schans streets (photo by Littlelle)
De Hoop Op'd Swart Walvis restaurant (photo by Littlelle)
Crawfish soup at the De Hoop Op'd Swart Walvis restaurant (photo by Littlelle)
Chocolate mousse at the De Hoop Op'd Swart Walvis restaurant (photo by Littlelle)
Para chegar a esta vila, podes ir de bus a partir da Estação Central de
Amesterdão. A paragens de autocarros encontram-se na parte de trás da estação
no 1º andar. Apanhas o bus nº 391 (com partidas de 15 em 15 minutos) que leva
cerca de 40 minutos a chegar a esta zona de moinhos, sendo Zaanse Schans a
última paragem. O Bus deixa-te mesmo em frente à vila. O preço do bilhete ida e
volta são 11€40 e pode ser adquirido diretamente no autocarro.
To get to this village, you can go by bus from Amsterdam Central
Station. The bus stops are at the back of the station on the 1st floor.
You should take the bus number 391 (departures every 15 minutes), which takes
about 40 minutes to reach this area of windmills, being Zaanse Schans the last
stop. The bus leaves you right in front of the village. The round trip ticket
price is 11€40 and can be purchased directly on the bus.
Amazing countryside (photo by Littlelle)
Alerto que mal sais do bus és invadido por um cheirinho a chocolate. Prepara-te para passares o dia a salivar e a suspirar :)
As soon as you leave the bus you are invaded by a nice smell of chocolate. Get ready to spend the day salivating and sighing :)
Collecting moments from this day (photo by Littlelle)
Estes jardins com design único são uma das principais atrações de Singapura, sendo obrigatória a passagem para quem está de visita à cidade. Abriram em 2012,
junto à marina com a visão de “Our world of gardens for all to own, enjoy and
cherish”. Juntam à tecnologia, a sensibilização para cuidar do meio
ambiente, num espaço enorme de 101 hectares, cujas principais atrações são a Supertree Grove e duas enormes estufas
em vidro - a Flower Dome e a Cloud Forest.
These gardens have such an (a) unique design! Opened in 2012, next to the marina with the vision of "Our world of
gardens for all to own, enjoy and cherish". They bring technology,
environmental awareness, into a sprawling 101-acre space, whose main
attractions are the Supertree Grove and two huge glass greenhouses - the Flower
Dome and the Cloud Forest.
Gardens by the Bay (photo by Littlelle)
Icons of Singapore (photo by Littlelle)
Gardens by the Bay viewed from the Sands Skypark Observation Deck (photo by Littlelle)
A Supertree Grove é nada menos do
que jardins verticais cobertos por mais de 200 espécies de plantas, com 25 a 50
metros de altura, que se assemelham a árvores. Podes subir ao top de uma delas
ou caminhar numa plataforma suspensa em seu redor. São ambientalmente
sustentáveis, permitindo por exemplo aproveitar a energia solar. Estas icónicas estruturas
transportam-te para um ambiente futurista.
The Supertree Grove is a vertical garden covered
by more than 200 species of plants, 25 to 50 feet high, which seems like trees.
You can climb to the top of one of them or walk on a suspended platform around
it. They are environmentally sustainable, allowing for example to take
advantage of solar energy. These iconic structures transpose you into a
futuristic environment.
Supertree Grove (photo by Littlelle)
Supertree Grove (photo by Littlelle)
Supertrees Grove viewed from the Sands Skypark Observation Deck (photo by Littlelle)
Outra estrutura impressionante é
a Flower Dome, uma enorme estufa em
vidro que recria o clima mediterrânico e semi-árido, apresentando vários
ambientes com flores e plantas de várias zonas do globo. É a maior estufa do
mundo segundo o Guiness.
Another impressive structure is the Flower Dome, a huge glasshouse that recreates the Mediterranean and semi-arid regions, presenting various environments with flowers and plants from various parts of the globe. It is the largest greenhouse in the world according to Guinness World Records.
Greenhouses at Gardens by the Bay (photo by Littlelle)
Flower Dome (photo by Littlelle)
Flower Dome (photo by Littlelle)
Mediterranean flora at Flower Dome (photo by Littlelle)
African flora at Flower Dome (photo by Littlelle)
Flowers at Flower Dome (photo by Littlelle)
Flower Dome (photo by Littlelle)
Flora at Flower Dome (photo by Littlelle)
Flora at Flower Dome (photo by Littlelle)
A Cloud Forest
é uma estrutura semelhante à anterior, mas que nos transporta até um clima
tropical. Apresenta no seu interior uma montanha com 35 metros de altura revestida
de plantas, que recria o ambiente no topo de uma montanha tropical com
2 000 metros acima do nível do mar, onde podes encontrar a cascata indoor mais alta do mundo e uma
plataforma que te permite andar à volta da montanha passando literalmente com a
cabeça nas nuvens, típicas deste tipo de clima. A Cloud Forest apresenta uma área de 153,000m² com uma biodiversidade
espantosa, pretendendo também sensibilizar os seus visitantes para as ameaças
ambientais que estas zonas enfrentam. Para visitares as estufas convém levar um casaquinho.
The Cloud Forest is a structure similar to the previous one, but
it transports us to a tropical climate. It features a 35-meter-high mountain
lined with plants that recreates the climate of a tropical mountain top at
2,000-meters above sea level, where you can find the world’s highest indoor
waterfall and a platform that allows you to walk around the mountain literally
with your head in the clouds, typical of this type of climate. The Cloud Forest
has an area of 153,000m² with amazing biodiversity and is also intended to
sensitize its visitors to the environmental threats that these areas face. To
visit the greenhouses it’s advisable to bring a light jacket.
Huge indoor waterfall (photo by Littlelle)
Tropical mountain surrounded by a cloud forest (photo by Littlelle)
Cloud Forest (photo by Littlelle)
Cloud Forest (photo by Littlelle)
Cloud Forest (photo by Littlelle)
Flora at Cloud Forest (photo by Littlelle)
Cloud Forest (photo by Littlelle)
Cloud Forest (photo by Littlelle)
Orchids at the Cloud Forest (photo by Littlelle)
Orchids at the Cloud Forest (photo by Littlelle)
Orchids at the Cloud Forest (photo by Littlelle)
Orchids at the Cloud Forest (photo by Littlelle)
Carnivorous plants at the Cloud Forest (photo by Littlelle)
Plants around the Mountain (photo by Littlelle)
Inside the Mountain (photo by Littlelle)
Para além destas conhecidas
atrações, podes explorar também os lagos Dragonfly e Kingfisher, que permitem
conhecer o ecossistema aquático da região, os Heritage Gardens, onde podes
aprender um pouco mais sobre a diversidade histórica e cultural de Singapura, e
admirar várias esculturas. No espaço dos jardins realizam-se frequentemente
eventos culturais e educativos, como workshops, festivais ou concertos de
Besides these must visit attractions, you can
also explore the Dragonfly and Kingfisher lakes, which allow you to explore the
aquatic ecosystem of this area, the Heritage Gardens, where you can learn more
about Singapore's historical and cultural diversity, and admire several art
sculptures. Cultural and educational events such as workshops, festivals or
music concerts are often held in the gardens.
Dragonfly lake (photo by Littlelle)
The lakes at Gardens by the Bay (photo by Littlelle)
Big sculptures at Gardens by the Bay (photo by Littlelle)
Art at the garden (photo by Littlelle)
´Fairs (photo by Littlelle)
Take a drink (photo by Littlelle)
Markets (photo by Littlelle)
Se quiseres ficar para a noite,
às 19h45 podes assistir ao Rhapsody Light
Show, um espetáculo de luz e som na Supertree Grove.
If you want to stay for the night, at 7:45 pm
you can watch the Rhapsody Light Show, a light and sound show at Supertree
Rhapsody Light Show (photo by Littlelle)
Gardens by the Bay by night (photo by Littlelle)
Moonlight (photo by Littlelle)
Metro: Bayfront or Marina Bay
Horário/ Opening hours: Aberto
diariamente das 5 às 2 da manhã. As estufas estão abertas das 9h às 21h. /
Daily from 5 am to 2 am. Greenhouses
are also open daily from 9.00am - 9.00pm.
Preço/Price: A entrada no jardim é gratuita, se
quiseres entrar na Flower Dome e na Cloud Forest pagas 28 SGD. /The garden has
free admission, with exception of Floer Dome and Cloud forest where you have to
pay 28 SGD.
"Our world of gardens for all to own, enjoy and cherish" (photo by Littlelle)