sábado, 25 de novembro de 2017

What to do in London beyond the typical tourist attractions?

Em terras de Sua Majestade, as atrações clássicas são pontos de passagem obrigatórios para quem vai pela primeira vez a Londres, a capital do Reino Unido. Toda a gente quer acertar o relógio pelo Big Ben, atravessar a Tower Bridge, assistir ao render da guarda ou ir a um museu. Contudo, Londres tem muito mais para oferecer e experienciar para além do que oferecem os apinhados pontos turísticos must see, que toda a gente já ouvir falar pelo menos uma vez na vida.

In lands of Her Majesty, the classic attractions are obligatory points of passage for those who go for the first time to London, the capital of the United Kingdom. Everyone wants to set the clock by Big Ben, cross the Tower Bridge, watch the guard's render or visit a museum. However, London has a lot more to offer and experience beyond the crowded must see sights, which everyone already hears of at least once in a lifetime.

London seen through the eye (photo by Littlelle)
Tower Bridge (photo by Littlelle)
Porque não passear por outros pontos e bairros alternativos emergentes, que cruzam a multiculturalidade desta cidade? Ficam algumas sugestões...

Why not wander through other emergent alternative spots and neighborhoods, which cross the multiculturalism of this city? Here are some suggestions...


Os mercados de rua são abundantes nesta cidade. Alguns mais direcionados para comida, outros para velharias ou artigos vintage, escolhas não faltam... Tens mercados para preencher a tua semana de 2ª feira a domingo.

Street markets abound in this city. Some are more targeted for food, others for vintage items, you have many options to choose from... You have markets to fill your week from Monday to Sunday.

Brick Lane Market 
Open on weekends | Metro: Liverpool St., Aldgate East, Old St. 
You can find Art (photo by Littlelle)
Vintage (photo by Littlelle)
And stuff (photo by Littlelle)

Portobello Road Market 
Open all days | Metro: Nothing Hill Gate, Ladbroke Grove
From fashion market to antiques section (photo by Littlelle)
Second hand goods (photo by Littlelle)

Borough Market
Open from Monday to Saturday | Metro: London Bridge
Food and drink market (photo by Littlelle)
Candem Lock Market 
Open all days | Metro: Candem Town
Welcome to Camden (photo by Littlelle)
Design and handicraft (photo by Littlelle) 
Fanshion and second hand goods (photo by Littlelle)

Covent Garden
Open all days | Metro: Covent Garden, Holborn, Embankment
Apple Market (photo by Littlelle)
Fashion, Antiques and Cafes (photo by Littlelle)

Leadenhall Market 
 Open from Monday to Friday | Metro: Bank, Monument 
Somewhere in the financial area (photo by Littlelle)


Para descontrair da agitação da cidade, sabe sempre bem uma caminhada pelos grandes parques, espaços verdes que felizmente Londres oferece aos seus habitantes. Os dias de sol não são muito abundantes na cidade, conhecida pelo tempo cinzento e pelo smog, mas quando o sol espreita, os parques e jardins são o sítio ideal para te sentares e ler um livro, ouvir música, ou para fazer um pic nic. Na primavera os canteiros floridos pintam os parques e jardins, já no outono enchem-se de folhas castanhas avermelhadas. Os simpáticos esquilos são presença constante ao longo do ano.

To relax from the hustle and bustle of the city, it always feel so good a walk through the large parks, green spaces that London happily offers its inhabitants. The sunny days are not too abundant in the city, known for gray weather and smog, but when the sun rises, parks and gardens are the ideal place to sit and read a book, listen to music, or to make a picnic. In spring the flowering flower beds paint the parks and gardens, and in autumn they are filled with reddish brown leaves. The friendly squirrels are constant presence throughout the year.

Primrose Hill
Metro: Chalk Farm, Camden Town
Skyline view (photo by Littlelle)
Nice place to spend sunny days near Regent's Park (photo by Littlelle)

Hyde Park
Metro: Hyde Park Corner, Knightsbridge, Lancaster Gate, Marble Arch
Classic park in London (photo by Littlelle)
Fall (photo by Littlelle)

St. James’s Park
Metro: St James Park
Spring (photo by Littlelle)
Pelicans of Her Majesty (photo by Littlelle)
Just to take a quiet moment in the city (photo by Littlelle)

Green Park
Metro: Green Park
Strolling around (photo by Littlelle)
Cute little thing  (photo by Littlelle)

Street Art

São muitos os museus de arte em Londres, a maioria com entrada gratuita, contrariamente a outros pontos turísticos da cidade que apresentam preços exorbitantes. Contudo, ao ar livre encontras arte de rua um pouco espalhada pelos vários cantos da cidade, mais concentrada por exemplo, nas ruas dos mercados mais alternativos como Brick Lane e Camdem Town. A zona de Shoreditch, enquanto bairro artístico alternativo em ascensão, apresenta vários murais e movimentos artísticos interessantes para explorar com calma. Infelizmente só consegui encontrar um trabalho do Banksy.

There are many art museums in London, most with free admission, as opposed to other sights in the city that have exorbitant prices. However, in the open air you will find street art a little scattered around the city, more concentrated for example on the streets of alternative markets like Brick Lane and Camdem Town. The Shoreditch area, as an up-and-coming alternative artistic district, features several interesting murals and artistic movements to explore with ease. Unfortunately, I could only find one Banksy's work.

Brick Lane (photo by Littlelle)
Shoreditch (photo by Littlelle)
Zabou (photo by Littlelle)
Shoreditch walls (photo by Littlelle)
Somewhere at Portobello Road (photo by Littlelle)
Banksy art work at Portobello (photo by Littlelle)

Five o’clock tea

Em Inglaterra, sê Inglês, of course! Eu dispenso o calórico English Breakfast. Feijões ao pequeno-almoço não me convence, mas um chá e uns scones sabem sempre bem para recarregar energias a meio da tarde! Que tal abrir a carteira por um dia e tomar um chá no Sketch. Se quiseres fazer uma refeição na sala Gallery, tens mesmo de reservar. Quem preferir cupcakes, caminhar até Belgravia para lanchar na Porchen Cakes. Uma outra sugestão para quem gosta de andar com a cabeça nas nuvens é o Sky Garden, um dos edifícios mais altos da cidade para desfrutar de vista panorâmica.

In England, be English, of course! I dispense the caloric English Breakfast. Beans for breakfast does not convince me at all, but a tea and some scones seems always good to recharge at mid-afternoon! How about opening the wallet for one day and having tea in the glamourous Sketch. If you want to have a meal in the Gallery room, you have to book. Those who prefer cupcakes, walk to Belgravia to have lunch at the cute Porchen Cakes. Another suggestion for people who enjoy riding their heads in the clouds is the Sky Garden, one of the city's tallest buildings to enjoy panoramic views.

Sketch, The Gallery (photo by Littlelle)
Sketch, The Glade (photo by Littlelle)
Don't forget to go to the toilets (photo by Littlelle)

Peggy Porschen Cakes
Peggy Porschen Cakes (photo by Littlelle)
Look inside Peggy Porschen Cakes (photo by Littlelle)
And delight yourself  (photo by Littlelle)

Another option is Biscuiteers at Notting Hill (photo by Littlelle)

Sky Garden
Sky garden suggested by Dídia (photo by Dídia Ribeiro)
The view from up their (photo by Dídia Ribeiro)

Colorful neighborhoods

Por detrás da neblina cinzenta que muitas vezes cobre a cidade, Londres apresenta elegantes e recatados bairros residenciais com casinhas geminadas coloridas. Ao caminhares por bairros como Primrose Hill, Notting Hill ou Chelsea, dás-te conta das rotinas das pessoas, famílias e crianças com os seus uniformes escolares.

Behind the gray haze that often covers the city, London features elegant, demure residential neighborhoods with colorful houses. When walking through neighborhoods like Primrose Hill, Notting Hill or Chelsea, you realize the routines of people, families and children in their school uniforms.

Primrose Hill
Chalcot Square (photo by Littlelle)
Dreamy house (photo by Littlelle)
Lovely neighborhood (photo by Littlelle)
Pastel (photo by Littlelle)
Spring time (photo by Littlelle)

Notting Hill 
Rainbow houses (photo by Littlelle)
Nothing but colors (photo by Littlelle)
Chasing colors (photo by Littlelle)

You have little surprises (photo by Littlelle)

E que tal? Cada uma destas sugestões será aprofundada em publicações posteriores.

What do you think? Each one of these suggestions will be further explored in later publications. Stay tuned!

sábado, 11 de novembro de 2017

La Alberca, uno de los pueblos más bonitos de España

Por vezes damos por nós a dar voltas e voltas à cabeça para escolher um sítio diferente para ir passar um fim de semana. Mesmo aqui ao lado, na vizinha Espanha, a pouco mais de 1 hora de carro da fronteira de Vilar Formoso, fica uma aldeia perdida na Sierra de Francia, considerada uno de los pueblos más bonitos de Espanã. Não conheço ainda um conjunto significativo de aldeias espanholas para poder concordar com a afirmação, mas definitivamente, gostei bastante desta. Como diriam os nuestros hermanos: “me encanta”!

Sometimes, we find ourselves wondering and wondering to choose a different place to go for a weekend. In neighboring Spain, just over an hour's drive from the Vilar Formoso border, is a lost village in the Sierra de Francia, considered one of the most beautiful villages in Spain. I don’t know yet a significant number of Spanish villages to be able to agree with this statement, but I definitely enjoyed it very much. As our brothers would say: "me encanta"!
Arriving at the village (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Main square (photo by Littlelle)
Rocky streets (photo by Littlelle)
Wandering around (photo by Littlelle)
La Alberca pertence à província de Salamanca, na comunidade autónoma de Castela e Leão e conta com apenas 1145 habitantes. Em 1940, foi a primeira aldeia a ser declarada como conjunto histórico e artístico. As suas ruelas estreitas empedradas são delimitadas por casas com uma arquitectura característica, com fachadas construídas com pedra e vigas de madeira. Quando chegas ficas com vontade de explorar cada rua e canto desta aldeia. O jogo de luz e sombra, combinado com as flores dão-lhe um toque encantador.

La Alberca belongs to the province of Salamanca, in the autonomous community of Castile and Leon and has only 1145 inhabitants. In 1940, it was the first village to be declared as a historical and artistic ensemble. Its narrow cobbled alleys are bordered by houses with a characteristic architecture, with facades built of stone and wooden beams. When you arrive you feel like exploring every street and corner of this village. The play of light and shade combined with the flowers give it a charming touch.

Colorful touch of flowers (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) 
Narrow streets (photo by Littlelle)
Architecture (photo by Littlelle)
Old ladies (photo by Littlelle)
Cross (photo by Littlelle)
Este lugar medieval apresenta tradições bem enraizadas, entre elas encontra-se o chamado Marrano de Santo António. Segundo a mesma, é costume benzer um porco e deixá-lo andar pelas ruas da aldeia, o mesmo é mais tarde leiloado, sendo o dinheiro revertido para instituições de caridade. 

This medieval place has well-established traditions, among them is the Marrano de Santo António. According to the same, it’s customary to bless a pig and let it walk the streets of the village, the same is later auctioned, and the money reverted to charities.

Church (photo by Littlelle)
El marrano (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Some doors have engraved symbols (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle)
Existem várias lojas e cafés a vender os produtos gastronómicos e artesanato da região. Por ali presunto, outros enchidos e castanhas não faltam!

There are many shops and cafes which sell the gastronomic products and handicrafts of the region. Over there you have lots of ham, other sausages and nuts!

Cafes at the main square (photo by Littlelle)
Handicrafts shop (photo by Littlelle)
Ham shop (photo by Littlelle)
Main street (photo by Littlelle)
Supermarket (photo by Littlelle)
Esta aldeia poderá ser um ponto de paragem para quem esteja a planear dar um saltinho a Salamanca ou a Ciudad Rodrigo. É necessário fazer um desvio na autoestrada A-62, mas penso que o mesmo ficará certamente bem justificado!

This village could be a stop point for anyone planning to take a hop on Salamanca or Ciudad Rodrigo. It’s necessary to make a detour on the A-62 motorway, but I think it will certainly be well justified!

Uno de los pueblos más bonitos de España (photo by Littlelle)