algumas pessoas Marraquexe fica fora do seu roteiro, encontrando-se no entanto,
em 2016 em 3º lugar no top de melhores destinos do Mundo, de acordo com Travellers
Choice Awards do TripAdvisor,
mesmo antes de cidades como Paris, Roma ou Nova Iorque. Porquê? Bem, posso
mostrar-vos algumas coisas e vocês logo podem tirar as vossas próprias
For some people, Marrakech is out of their travel map,
but in 2016 was placed on the top of the world's best destinations, according
to the Travelers Choice Awards of TripAdvisor, even before cities like Paris,
Rome or New York. Why? Well, I can show you some things and you can get your
own conclusions right away.
Koutoubia Mosque seen from a terrace at Jemmaa El Fna (photo by Littlelle) |
Conhecida como a cidade vermelha devido às
muralhas dessa tonalidade, é a quarta maior cidade de Marrocos. Tal como
noutras cidades marroquinas, Marraquexe tem uma medina ou centro histórico, correspondente
à cidade fortificada, composta por um labirinto de ruas estreitas com aroma a
especiarias. Esta encontra-se classificada como Património Mundial da UNESCO. Fora
das muralhas a cidade é rodeada por bairros modernos.
Known as the red city due to the walls of this
tonality, it’s the fourth largest city in Morocco. Like other Moroccan cities,
Marrakesh has a medina or historic center, corresponding to the fortified city,
made up of a labyrinth of narrow, spice-scented streets. It’s classified as a
UNESCO World Heritage Site. Outside the city walls the city is surrounded by
modern neighborhoods.
Quando se aterra em Marraquexe é
difícil ficar indiferente ao movimento caótico da cidade e às inúmeras ruas que
compõem o centro histórico. Quando chegámos fizemos uma volta de charrete para
ficar com um conhecimento panorâmico. O passeio teve de ser regateado, como
qualquer bem adquirido nesta cidade, e claro, houve uma paragem num bazar para
ver se queríamos comprar especiarias ou óleo de argão (muito bom para a pele e
cabelo). Depois deste primeiro reconhecimento espacial e cultural, toca a
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Medina (photo by Littlelle) |
When you land
in Marrakech it’s difficult to remain indifferent to the chaotic movement of
the city and the numerous streets that make up the historic center. When we
arrived, we made a roundabout ride to get a panoramic view. The tour had to be bargained,
like anything else bought in this city, and of course there was a stop at a
bazaar to see if we wanted to buy spices or argan oil (very good for skin and
hair). After this first
spatial and cultural recognition, let’s explore!
Koutoubia (photo by Littlelle) |
In fact, in
the 3 days spent in Marrakech, what I liked the most was to wander, or
literally, to get lost in the streets and souks of the city. Indeed, in
Marrakech everything is chaotic, there’s a lot of movement, a lot of people,
narrow streets where everything can circulate (bikes, motorcycles, donkeys!),
We are constantly hearing honks ... but after 3 days what was first weird to
us, starts to embrace us. Traffic is impossible, there are traffic signs, but I
didn’t understand what they were there for. However this hustle and bustle is
what makes the town special.
Souks (photo by Littlelle) |
Os souks são as ruas estreitas da medina destinadas ao comércio, existem souks específicos para diversos artigos. Muita marroquinaria, mas de vez em quando, deparamo-nos com lojas com artigos bem irreverentes, marco e inspiração do legado de YSL na cidade, quiçá. Nos souks é obrigatório negociar qualquer artigo pelo menos para metade do preço com muita, muita paciência. Os comerciantes e o pessoal do ramo hoteleiro, geralmente, falam espanhol, francês ou inglês, não é difícil comunicar.
The souks are the narrow streets of the medina
intended for trade, there are specific souks for different items. Lots of leather
goods, but from time to time, we come across with shops with some irreverent
articles, landmark and inspiration from YSL's legacy in the city, who knows. In
souks you are obliged to negotiate each article at least half the price and to
have a lot and a lot of patience. Traders are even offended if you do not want to trade the intended
article. Traders and hotel staff generally speak Spanish, French or English, it
isn’t difficult to communicate.
Prepara-te para te perderes nas labirínticas ruas que compõem a medina, se isso acontecer basta perguntar num café o sentido pretendido, geralmente a movimentada Praça Jemaa el-Fna é um bom ponto de referência. Pela minha experiência, deves evitar perguntar a qualquer pessoa na rua, visto que depois da explicação sujeitas-te a que te estendam o braço a pedir bonificação monetária!
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Souk (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
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It's difficult to choose (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
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Basket love (photo by Littlelle) |
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Fancy shops (photo by Littlelle) |
Get ready to get lost in the labyrinthine
streets that make up the medina, if that happens, just ask the coffee shop for
the right direction, usually the busy Jemaa el-Fna Square is a good reference
point. In my experience, you should avoid asking anyone in the street, since
after the explanation they might reach their arm out for a monetary bonus!
Traffic in the pedestrian streets of the medina (photo by Littlelle) |
The Jemaa el-Fna Square, Intangible Cultural
Heritage of Humanity, is the epicenter of the city, where everything happens.
During the day there are monkeys (it’s recommended not to get too close or take
pictures because monkeys can bite and transmit diseases) and when we hear the
sound of a flute, it’s a sign that some snake charmer will appear somewhere
around you. Any photograph taken with the animals has to be paid, everything is
paid and negotiated in Morocco. Moroccan ladies are dedicated to making henna
tattoos to the vainest tourists (just like me!). It’s not recommended to make a
black tattoo, the Infarmed says to be conducive to allergy. Tattoos with orange
or yellow ink are natural and cost a maximum of 10 €.
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Jemaa El Fnaa (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Square daily movement (photo by Littlelle) |
Assim, dentro das muralhas, para além da praça Jemaa el-Fna, outros pontos de referência a visitar na cidade são (ter atenção que os horários apresentados dizem respeito ao verão, podem sofrer alterações noutra época do ano):
The monuments, although not being the most
charming I have seen compared to other places that I will publish later (such
as Alhambra or Seville), make up the synergy of the city, living up to the idea
that the whole is bigger than the simple sum of its parts.
Thus, within the walls, in addition to the Jemaa el-Fna square, other points of
reference to visit in the city are (note that the times presented relate to the
summer, may change at another time of year):
Medersa Ali Ben Youssef
Uma antiga
escola de Corão com os típicos azulejos árabes de cor azul.
Aberto todos os dias das 9h às 18h30, entrada no valor de 50 Dh.
Aberto todos os dias das 9h às 18h30, entrada no valor de 50 Dh.
An old Koran school with typical blue Arabic tiles. Open every day from
9am to 6:30 p.m., entrance fee of 50 Dh.

Marrakesh Museum
Instalado no Palácio Mnebb, este museu apresenta uma coleção de peças etnográficas, arqueológicas e de arte contemporânea. Situa-se próximo do
ponto de interesse anterior na Place ben Youssef. Encontra-se aberto todos os dias das 9h às 19h, entrada no valor de 60 Dh. http://www.museedemarrakech.ma/accueil.htm
Installed in the Mnebb Palace, this museum
features a collection of ethnographic, archeological and contemporary art
pieces. It’s located near the former point of interest
on Place ben Youssef. It’s open every day from 9am to 7pm, entrance
fee of 60 Dh.

Bahia Palace
Situado nas proximidades do riad onde fiquei alojada, este palácio apresenta vários pátios. Se espreitares para cima podes apreciar os tetos todos trabalhados em madeira.
Aberto todos os dias 9h às 16h30. Entrada no valor de 10 Dh.
Aberto todos os dias 9h às 16h30. Entrada no valor de 10 Dh.
Situated near the riad where I stayed, this
palace has several courtyards. If you look up you can appreciate the ceilings
all worked in wood. Open every day from 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Entry
in the value of 10 Dh.
Museum of Moroccan Arts (Dar Si Said)
Para além da coleção de arte e artesanato típico de Marrocos, o edifício do museu é bastante bonito num estilo bem arabesco. Fica próximo do ponto de interesse anterior.
Fecha às terças-feiras, horário de funcionamento das 9h às 16h45. Entrada no valor de 10 Dh.
Fecha às terças-feiras, horário de funcionamento das 9h às 16h45. Entrada no valor de 10 Dh.
Apart from the collection of art and crafts
typical of Morocco, the museum building is quite beautiful in a well arabesque
style. It’s close to the previous point of interest. Closes Tuesdays, opening hours from 9am to 4:45
p.m. Entry in the value of 10 Dh.
Saadian Tombs
Mausoléu coletivo da dinastia saadiana
Collective Mausoleum of the Saadian dynasty
Koutoubia Mosque
A maior mesquita da cidade
The biggest mosque
in town
House of Photography in Marrakech
Pequeno museu de fotografia que vale a pena visitar, se gostares deste tipo de arte.
Aberto todos os dias das 9h30 às 19h, entrada no valor de 40Dh.
Aberto todos os dias das 9h30 às 19h, entrada no valor de 40Dh.
Small museum of photography which is worth a
visit, if you like this type of art.
Open every day from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.,
entrance fee of 40Dh.
Le Jardin Secret
Jardins exóticos e
marroquinos, um paraíso dentro das muralhas da medina.
Aberto diariamente,
entrada no valor de 50 Dh.
Exotic and Moroccan gardens, a paradise inside
the medina walls. Open every day, entrance fee of 50Dh.
Existem várias mesquitas espalhadas por toda a cidade, o que nos proporciona o prazer de contemplar os seus minaretes e ouvir o chamamento para a oração em diferentes horas do dia. A mais conhecida é a Koutoubia. A entrada a turistas é proibida, só dá para apreciar mesmo do lado de fora.
There are several mosques overspread throughout
the city, which gives us the pleasure of contemplating their minarets and
hearing the call to prayer at different times of the day. The most well known is Koutoubia. It’s
forbidden tourists to enter inside mosques, you can only have the pleasure to
observe it from the outside.
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Moulay El yazid Mosque (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Fora das muralhas recomendo como
visita obrigatória o Jardim Majorelle pertencente à Fundação do Yves Saint Laurent,
repleto de cores fortes e plantas exóticas (aberto todos os dias das 8h às 18h30, entrada no valor de 70 Dh). Pode ser também visitada a galeria
Love do YSL, um pequeno espaço com desenhos do próprio e um museu sobre os hábitos e costumes do povo Berbere (30 Dh). Mais recentemente abriu ao lado do jardim, o museu YSL com
exposições de fotografias, desenhos e algumas peças de roupas das coleções do
estilista (Aberto diariamente, à exceção das quartas feiras das 10 às 18h). O
jardim e museu ficam fora da
cidade muralhada, um pouco longe do centro, sendo as ruas uma espécie de
labirinto, o mais certo é poderes-te perder pelo caminho e desistires por causa
do calor que poderá estar a fazer. Por
isso aconselho o táxi, visto que assim se poupa muito tempo, relembrando que tens
de negociar antes de entrar na viatura. Com uma perspetiva completamente diferente, tens também o
Menara Gardens (entrada gratuita). O preço do taxi rondará o
mesmo valor.
Outside the
walls, I recommend the visit to the Majorelle Garden belonging to the Yves
Saint Laurent Foundation, full of strong colors and exotic plants (open every
day from 8am to 6:30 p.m., entrance fee of 70 Dh). There, you can also visit
the YSL Love Gallery, a small space with drawings of his own and a museum about
the habits and customs of the Berbere people (30 Dh). More recently, the YSL museum opened
with exhibitions of photographs, drawings and a few pieces of clothing from the
stylist's collections (Open daily except for Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. The
garden and museum are outside the walled
city, a little far from the center, the streets being a kind of labyrinth, the
more certain are you to lose your way and give up because of the heat you may
be feeling. So I advise you to take a taxi, this way you will save a lot of
time, remembering that you have to negotiate before entering the car. With a
completely different perspective, you also have the Menara Gardens (free
admission). The price of the taxi will be around the same cost.
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Jardin Majorelle (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
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Jardin Majorelle (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
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Love gallery (photo byLittlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
YSL Museum (photo by Littlelle) |
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YSL Museum (photo by Littlelle) |
Menara Gardens (photo by Littlelle) |
Also out of the center, we tried to go to Palmerie to a camel ride, which is about 10 km from the center of the city. We took the taxi ride and went to another place (you can be deceived, beware!), I advise anyone who wants to move out, to book the tour in the hotel, which can be around 25 €. This detour led us to visit the Palmeraie Museum which exhibits a collection of contemporary art and a beautiful garden, a very relaxing place, outside the hustle and bustle of the city.
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Museu da Palmeraie (foto de Littlelle, editada por HRebelo) |
Para o final da tarde e noite, aconselho desfrutar
da Praça Jemaa el-Fna, que, se durante o dia é composta por vendedores de rua,
macaquinhos e encantadores de serpentes, à noite transforma-se num grande
mercado gastronómico! Os terraços dos cafés desta praça são bastante requisitados pela altura
do pôr-do-sol, é bem compreensível o porquê.
Para uma noite mais requintada, poderá ser uma boa opção jantar num restaurante típico com música e dança marroquina (cerca de 25/30€ por pessoa).
For the evenings, I recommend to enjoy the
Jemaa el-Fna Square, which if during the day is made up of street vendors,
monkeys and snake charmers, at night it becomes a great gastronomic market! The terraces of the cafes in the square are
quite popular at sunset, it’s quite understandable why.
For a more refined evening, it may be a good
option to dine in a typical restaurant with Moroccan music and dance (about
25/30 € per person).
Always on movement (photo by Littlelle) |
In three days it was the combination that I was
able to do, there are some other things that might be interesting, such as
going to the desert to pass a day or night, or ballooning at dawn, however, I
left these experiences to other places (Dubai and Cappadocia). I think that 3 days in Marrakech allows you to
know and absorb the charm of this Moroccan imperial city.
Podes encontrar questões práticas sobre este destino, como alojamento, deslocações, contactos importantes, gastronomia em Marrakesh painted by Littlelle: Practical Issues, também neste blog.
Podes encontrar questões práticas sobre este destino, como alojamento, deslocações, contactos importantes, gastronomia em Marrakesh painted by Littlelle: Practical Issues, também neste blog.
You can find practical questions about this
destination, such as accommodation, transportation, important contacts and gastronomy
in Marrakesh painted by Littlelle: Practical Issues, also in this blog.