Continuamos a sul para aproveitar
os dias ainda quentes de Verão. Málaga é uma cidade multifacetada. É atraente
para os amantes de arte, ou não tivesse sido ela o berço de Picasso, um dos
maiores artistas do século XX, sendo atualmente reconhecida como um centro
cultural em ascensão. Emoldurada pelo mar Mediterrâneo, é vista como um destino
balnear procurado pelos veraneantes na Costa do Sol. Para completar, as ruas são
animadas e repletas de bares e restaurantes com gastronomia típica espanhola. Quem não gosta de uns Tapas e
We continue on the south to enjoy the still hot
days of summer. Malaga is a multifaceted city. It’s attractive to art lovers,
or hadn’t it been the birthplace of Picasso, one of the greatest artists of the
20th century, and is now recognized as a cultural rising center.
Framed by the Mediterranean Sea, it’s seen as a beach destination sought after
by the summer people at the Costa del Sol. To complete, the streets are lively
and full of bars and restaurants with typical Spanish cuisine. Who
doesn’t like Tapas and Sangria?
Malaga way (photo by Littlelle) |
Art on the streets (photo by Littlelle) |
Malagueta beach in Malaga (photo by Littlelle) |
Full of art and good gastronomy (photo by Littlelle) |
A cidade parece ter um terreno
fértil para a arte e apesar de não ser uma cidade muito grande, Málaga disponibiliza
mais de 30 museus, a maioria concentrados no centro histórico. Entre eles o
Museu de Picasso, a Casa-Natal de Picasso, o Teatro Romano, o Centro de Arte
Contemporânea. Museus de renome abriram sucursais em Málaga. Por exemplo, podes
encontrar um Centro Pompidou, o primeiro que abriu fora de França (aberto das
9h30 às 20 h, com entrada gratuita ao domingo a partir das 16h). Tal como o
museu em Paris, também este em Málaga apresenta uma arquitectura irreverente.
As 90 obras de arte moderna e contemporânea encontram-se instaladas num cubo
multicolor da autoria do artista francês Daniel Buren, que se destaca da
paisagem da baía do Porto de Málaga. Gostei particularmente deste museu, com
destaque para obras assinadas por Frida Kahlo, Magritte e Picasso, claro! A
Baronesa Thyssen tem também ali a sua filial, do Thyssen-Bornemisza de Madrid.
O acervo do Museu Carmen Thyssen apresenta obras de mestres espanhóis desde o
século XIII ao século XX (aberto das 10h às 20h, com entrada gratuita ao
domingo a partir das 17h). Gostei de todos os museus que visitei, qualquer um valeu o preço de entrada. Dado o clima, vários museus estão abertos até mais tarde, sendo possível usufruir de entradas gratuitas ao fim de semana em alguns deles.
The city seems to have fertile land to arts and
although it isn’t a huge city, Malaga displays more than 30 museums, most of
them concentrated in the historic center. Among them, Picasso Museum,
Birthplace House of Picasso, Roman Theatre, and the Center for Contemporary
Art. Renowned museums have opened branches in Malaga. For example, you can find
a Pompidou Center, the first to open outside France (open from 9:30 am to 8 pm,
with free admission on Sunday from 4 pm). Like the museum in Paris, this one in
Malaga also presents an irreverent architecture. The 90 works of modern and
contemporary art are housed in a multicolored cube by the French artist Daniel
Buren, which stands out from the landscape of the port of Malaga. I
particularly liked this museum, especially works signed by Frida Kahlo,
Magritte and Picasso, of course! Baroness Thyssen also has its subsidiary,
Thyssen-Bornemisza in Madrid. The collection of the Carmen Thyssen Museum
features works of Spanish masters from the 13th to the 20th century (open from
10am to 8pm, with free admission on Sunday from 5pm). I liked all the museums that I had visited, all
of them are really worth the entrance fee. Given the weather, many museums are
opened till late, being possible to enjoy free entrance on weekends in some of
Picasso Museum (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
"Flamenco dance" by Ricard Canals i Llambí at Carmen Thyssen Museum (photo bu Littlelle) |
"Girl with shawl "by Gonzalo Bilbao Martinez at Carmen Thyssen Museum (photo by Littlelle) |
Pompidou Museum (photo by Littlelle) |
Main hall of the Pompidou Museum (photo by Littlelle) |
"The Frame" (1938) by Frida Kahlo at Museum Pompidou |
Mas não só de pintura vive a
cidade! No fim de semana que lá passei decorria um festival de cinema. O
principal teatro da cidade é o teatro Cervantes, onde António Banderas pisou o
palco pela primeira vez. Também
ele ali nascido.
But, this city is much more than only painting!
During the weekend I spent there, there was a film festival. The main theater
in the city is the Cervantes Theater, where Antonio Banderas stepped onto the
stage for the first time. He was also born there.
Plaza de la Merced (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
Cervantes Theatre (photo by Littlelle) |
Os monumentos do centro histórico
apresentam diferentes estilos arquitectónicos fruto das conquistas e reconquistas
entre muçulmanos e cristãos. Podes visitar a Catedral e o Alcazaba - fortaleza
datada de 1065, onde é atualmente o museu arqueológico. Daí podes vislumbrar
uma vista bonita para a baía de Málaga.
The monuments at the historic center feature
different architectonic styles as a result of the conquests and reconquest
between Muslims and Christians. You can visit the Cathedral and the Alcazaba -
fortress dated from 1065, where it’s currently the archaeological museum. It
presents a beautiful view to the bay of Malaga.
Streets of Malaga (photo by Littlelle) |
Old Roman Theatre (photo by Littlelle) |
Cathedral (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
Alcazaba (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
Moorish architecture at the Alcazaba (photo by Littlelle) |
Moorish architecture at the Alcazaba (photo by Littlelle) |
Cute details at the Alcazaba (photo by Littlelle) |
The view from the Alcazaba (photo by Littlelle) |
Eu gostei sobretudo de desfrutar
dos raios de sol enquanto deambulava pelas ruas cercadas de prédios com
venezianas coloridas, ou também pelas avenidas arborizadas com palmeiras, onde
é possível ver uma espécie de pequenos papagaios verdes a esvoaçar. A rua
Larios é uma das principais ruas comerciais da cidade, deves apontar se
gostares de fazer umas comprinhas. A caminhada pelo Porto também é bastante
agradável, onde podes encontrar lojinhas, feira de artesanato e vários bares e
I especially liked to enjoy the rays of the sun
as I wandered through the streets surrounded by buildings with colorful
shutters, or also through the palm-lined avenues, where you can see a kind of
small green parrots fluttering. The Larios street is one of the main shopping
streets of the city, you should take note, if you would like to do some
shopping. The walk through the Port is also quite pleasant, where you can find
small shops, a handicraft fair and several bars and restaurants.
Plaza de la Constitución of Malaga (photo by Littlelle) |
Colors of the city (photo by Littlelle) |
Passion for windows (photo by Littlelle) |
Mediterranean look (photo by Littlelle) |
Plaza de la Constitución (photo by Littlelle) |
Dolores Promesas shop (photo by Littlelle) |
Town Hall (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
Port of Malaga (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
Port of Malaga by night (photo by Littlelle) |
Catedral by night (photo by Littlelle) |
Historic center by night (photo by Littlelle) |
Still colorful even at night (photo by Littlelle) |
Quanto à degustação de vinho e
petiscos, podes encontrar pela cidade, tanto no centro histórico como no porto,
vários restaurantes e Bodegas
típicas. Um dos mais conhecidos é El Pimpi,
localizado em pleno centro histórico (Calle Granada 62). Para conhecer os
sabores da cidade de uma outra perspectiva, podes dar um pulinho ao Mercado
Central Atarazanas.
Regarding wine tasting and snacks, you can find
several restaurants and typical wineries at the historic center and at the port.
One of the best known is El Pimpi,
located in the historic center (Calle Granada 62). To know the flavors of the
city from another perspective, you can give a jump to the Mercado Central
Cheers (photo by Littlelle) |
Typical Bodega (photo by Littlelle) |
El Pimpi (photo by Littlelle) |
Bodega "El Pimpi" detail (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
Frituras, local fried fish dish (photo by Littlelle) |
Colors of Atarazanas Market (photo by Littlelle) |
Local delicacies at Atarazanas Market (photo by Littlelle) |
Esta cidade costeira na Andaluzia
fica a pouco mais de 6 horas de carro desde Lisboa, sendo um bom destino para
passar um fim de semana prolongado, com direito a petiscos, museus e mergulhos.
This coastal town in Andalusia is just over a
six-hour drive from Lisbon, being a good destination for a long weekend, with
tapas, museums and dives.
Open to art (photo by Littlelle) |
Cheers to Malaga (photo by Littlelle) |
Farei brevemente uma publicação
inteiramente dedicada a Málaga, enquanto cidade natal de Picasso.
I will shortly
publish a publication entirely dedicated to Malaga as Picasso's birthplace.
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