A manhã foi dedicada à visita do
Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET) (Nycity pass; 10h - 17h, à 6ª e sábado aberto
até às 21h, http://www.metmuseum.org/). Localizado-se junto ao Central Park e com entrada pela 5ª Avenida, o MET é um dos museus mais importantes do mundo, quer pela quantidade como pela qualidade das obras-primas que expõe. Apresenta uma ampla coleção de
arte, que compreende desde as civilizações antigas como Egipto e Grécia, a arte tribal da Oceânia,
às obras impressionistas, como Degas ou Monet e arte americana dos séculos XVIII e XIX. O museu é tão grande que até um templo egípcio apresenta no seu interior. Este museu
poderia levar semanas a ver, o visitante tem de assumir a difícil tarefa de selecionar os
pontos a que quer dar destaque. Tentei dar prioridade à arte americana, uma
vez que é de mais difícil acesso na Europa, e claro, não pude deixar de lado as
grandes obras de pintores europeus do início do séc. XX, como as bailarinas de
Degas e autorretrato de Van Gogh.
In the morning I
paid a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET) (Nycity pass; 10am – 5pm,
on Fridays and on Saturdays it is opened till 9pm, http://www.metmuseum.org/). Located next to the Central park and with the main entrance at the Fifth Avenue, MET is one of the most important museums in the world, both for the quantity and quality of the masterpieces that it exhibits. It features a wide art collection, from the old civilizations
such as Egypt and Greece, to the tribal art of Oceania, and to the
impressionist masterpieces like Degas or Monet and American art from 18th and 19th centuries. The museum is so huge that even has
an Egyptian temple in its interior. This museum could take weeks just to see
it, however, I had the hard task of selecting the places I would like to go. I
tried to give priority to the American art, once it is more difficult to access
it in Europe, and of course I could not leave aside great masterpieces of
European painters of the beginning of the 20th century, such as the ballet
dancers of Degas and Van Gogh’s self-portrait.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (photo by Mário Santos, edited by HRebelo) |
Dendur Temple (15 BC) at the Sacker wing (photo by Mário Santos, edited by HRebelo) |
General view of the inner courtyard of the MET American wing (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Fantastic surrealiste table by Costa Achillopoulo (1934), behind a paint by Miró and another by Max Ernst (Gala Éluard, 1924) (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Painters are often seen at the museum, recreating the works of the great masters (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Fleur de Lis by Robert Reid (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Madame X by Jonh Singer Sargent (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Degas (photo by Littlelle) |
Van Gogh Self portrait (photo by Littlelle) |
Depois de almoçar no museu com uma bonita vista para o Central Park, é impossível deixar de dar lá um passeio. O Central Park possui cerca de 341 ha, com 26000 árvores, mais de 9000 bancos, 36 pontes, 21 parques desportivos, 7 lagos, 1 castelo e 1 jardim zoológico (supostamente onde vivia o Alex, Marty, Melman e a Gloria do filme Madagáscar). Acho que bate qualquer parque público em números! Um verdadeiro oásis rodeado por arranha-céus! A caminhada pelo parque é bastante agradável, podemos apreciar os habituais
passeios dos locais a fazer
jogging, a passear os cães, ouvir música de artistas
de rua, ou ler o jornal, etc. Eu gostei de toda a envolvência, com destaque para o
Castelo Belvedere que se encontra situado no topo de uma rocha natural, apresentando do seu terraço uma bonita vista para o parque e para a cidade. Gostei também da estátua da Alice no
País das Maravilhas e a
Bethesda Terrace and Fountain. O passeio foi completado com a
interacção com a fauna local, nomeadamente os esquilos, que simpaticamente, vinham
comer à minha mão.
After having lunch
at the museum with a beautiful view to the Central Park, it is impossible not going there
for a walk. Central Park has around 341 ha. with 26000 trees, more than 9000
benches, 36 bridges, 21 sport parks, 7 lakes, 1 castle and 1 zoo (supposedly
where Alex, Marty, Melman and Gloria, from the movie Madagascar, used to live).
I think numbers wise, it beats any public park out there! A true oasis surrounded
by skyscrapers! Walking around the park is quite
pleasant, to observe the usual walks from the locals, doing some jogging,
walking their dogs, listening to music of streets artists or reading the
newspaper, etc. I liked all the surroundings especially the Belvedere Castle,
located at the top of a natural rock, which presents in its terrace a beautiful
view to the park and the city. I also liked the statues of Alice in Wonderland and the Bethesda Terrace and
Fountain. The walk was completed by interacting with the local fauna, namely the
squirrels, that very nicely, would come to eat in my hand.
Lake at the Central Park (photo by Littelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Central Park (photo by Mário Santos, edited by HRebelo) |
Walking at Central Park (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Spring at the Central Park (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Reading the newspaper at Central Park (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Central Park (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
House at the Central Park (photo by Mário Santos, edited by HRebelo) |
Belvedere Castle (photo by Mário Santos, edited by HRebelo) |
View from the top of the Belvedere Castle (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Alice in Wonderland, sculture by José de Creeft (1959) (photo by Mário Santos, edited by HRebelo) |
Romeo and Juliet near the Delacorte Theatre at the Central Park (photo by Mário Santos, edited by HRebelo) |
Bethesda Terrace and Fountain (photo by Mário Santos, edited by Littlelle) |
Squirrel (photo by Littelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Cute squirrels (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Ao final do dia ainda foi
possível visitar com o mesmo bilhete de entrada do MET, o na altura recém inaugurado MET
Breuer (entre a Madison Av. e 75st), dedicado à arte moderna e contemporânea.
Visitei a exposição temporária
Unfinished Thougths left visible (
que apresenta várias obras inacabadas de pintores conhecidos como Rembrandt,
Cézanne, Jackson Pollock, entre outros. Esta exposição temporária esteve patente até ao dia 4 de setembro de 2016.
In the end of the day it is still possible to visit with the same entry
ticket of MET, the newly opened MET Breuer (between the Madison Av. and 75st.),
which is more dedicated to modern and contemporary art. I visited the temporary
exhibition Unfinished Thoughts left visible (http://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listings/2016/unfinished), that presents
many unfinished artworks of well-known painters such as Rembrandt, Cézanne,
Jackson Pollock, among others. This temporary exhibition was on till 4th
September 2016.
Unfinished work by Picasso (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Unfinished work by Kerry James Marshall (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
Visitei ainda a exposição
temporária - Fairy Tale Fashion, no Museum at FIT - Fashion Institute of
Technology (entrada gratuita; entre a 7ªAv. e 27st), onde se encontravam expostos figurino de alta costura que caracterizavam os clássicos contos de
fadas clássicos - Perfect match (http://www.fitnyc.edu/museum/exhibitions/fairy-tale-fashion.php)
para quem gosta de moda e cresceu rodeado pelos filmes da Disney. Na entrada da exposição fui logo surpreendida por uma peça feita pela marca portuguesa Storytaillors!
I also visited the
temporary exhibition Fairy Tale Fashion at FIT - Fashion
Institute of Technology (free
entrance; between 7ªAv. and 27st), where were exposed haute couture costumes that characterized the classic
fairytales - A perfect match (http://www.fitnyc.edu/museum/exhibitions/fairy-tale-fashion.php) for those who
like fashion and grew up with Disney movies. At the entrance of the exhibition I was surprised by a piece made by the Portuguese brand Storytaillors!
Little Red Riding Hood made by StoryTaillors (photo by Littlelle, edited by HRebelo) |
3 museus vão ser explorados em publicações futuras.
3 museums will be explored in future posts. Stay tuned!
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